
Okay - so please read this blog with a gentle gaze as we were limited with web access, speed and energy after long beautiful days to re-hash. Even if I'm the only reader in the long run - it's great to blog-a-log deets I want to reflect on. I don't love blogging, but I love having blogged!

Likely, I'll take time to add or edit words and images when time allows (ha!) - but for now, in the spirit of imperfection - here's a scan of a trip to Iceland with John - August 2011. I use the word scan.. because you know there is always so much more to travel then meets the eye - so much more to see!

btw, to view from the beginning of trip to the end - scroll all the way down (then to "older posts") then to the image of the Iceland map & NYC taxi cab...and READ UP!
- or you can read it backward, I guess!

The hat lady

At a flea market in downtown Rekjavick - lots of mixed up used clothes and antique books and crap I'm not interested very much in... well, okay, I did buy a pair of green shiny earrings that were made with lava. Call me a tourist - but it's all about grounding, so they say.

Yet among the other rubble, a hat lady and her original hats. I'll post her name when I find her card and I'm not half asleep, but I couldn't resist buying two and trying on a dozen - and chatting about her biz and her craft.

Best of all is the fleece inside the wood... I still whine about not being able to be a wool wearing babe... it's just not happening. Sigh.

Fleece sewn into the wool? I can handle.

Oh, side note, and note to self - learn to knit. Really. It's so on that long "yet" list of mine.

I now have two hats to inspire me..