
Okay - so please read this blog with a gentle gaze as we were limited with web access, speed and energy after long beautiful days to re-hash. Even if I'm the only reader in the long run - it's great to blog-a-log deets I want to reflect on. I don't love blogging, but I love having blogged!

Likely, I'll take time to add or edit words and images when time allows (ha!) - but for now, in the spirit of imperfection - here's a scan of a trip to Iceland with John - August 2011. I use the word scan.. because you know there is always so much more to travel then meets the eye - so much more to see!

btw, to view from the beginning of trip to the end - scroll all the way down (then to "older posts") then to the image of the Iceland map & NYC taxi cab...and READ UP!
- or you can read it backward, I guess!

Anne from Minnesota (friend of a friend of the fab Jes Sokol)

What a sweetie Anne is - met us for some map time and tea - and highlighted the highlights of someone who has lived in Iceland for 7 months with her husband who is studying how weather systems impact rivers and streams while she takes a break from nursing world to knit and do awesome drawings (, and volunteers for "harm reduction" for the Red Cross, plays soccer and ultimate frisbee back in Minnesota.

A short, sweet - but geographically grounding visit with Anne.

Iceland is supposedly remote and in a little, tiny world - some say. I say - it's a rich culture with a mix of cool, hip and interesting folk. It's so worth putting it out there when travel is on horizon to hear from friends of friends of friends - it helps make it even more of an adventure...

dare I say - find the locals.