
Okay - so please read this blog with a gentle gaze as we were limited with web access, speed and energy after long beautiful days to re-hash. Even if I'm the only reader in the long run - it's great to blog-a-log deets I want to reflect on. I don't love blogging, but I love having blogged!

Likely, I'll take time to add or edit words and images when time allows (ha!) - but for now, in the spirit of imperfection - here's a scan of a trip to Iceland with John - August 2011. I use the word scan.. because you know there is always so much more to travel then meets the eye - so much more to see!

btw, to view from the beginning of trip to the end - scroll all the way down (then to "older posts") then to the image of the Iceland map & NYC taxi cab...and READ UP!
- or you can read it backward, I guess!

Friend of friends

Friends, Kathleen and Jeffrey from Cold Spring told us to meet up a friend of theirs in Reykjavik - Gudrun Johannshhir. We met up with her where she worked at National Museum of Iceland (amazing place, btw - beautiful hands on exhibit for children and a warm, inviting reading room, and an old instant photo booth, a photography exhibit/concert hall, a miniature house of ancient Icelandic made of dark wood and sewing machines - and I'm too tired to recall - but it was a short visit - but memorable enough to know we'd like a longer one.

The party she took up to was filled with everyone who knew everyone and not the least bit pretentious in a backyard in area 101 of Reykjavik. The host welcomed us warmly - and Gudrun introduced us to warm, smart, creative Icelanders - a jewelry designer with bright red lipstick that matched her shoes and back pack, a sweet woman from Santa Cruz who spends many months a year in her Icelandic family home, a scientist who used to live in my upper east side hood and this fun architect/sculptor Gudjon Bjarnason - much more on him later - since we now have the key to his 2500 sq. ft house in a little village of Stokkseyri - and 40 miles from Reykjavik - a small fishing village that we'll stop at stay along the way to the Golden Circle - and - we hear all good things about this restaurant famous for it's lobster (we'll arrive likely just in time for the boyfriend b'day)... All this to say - each day we are being welcomed by the warmth and spirit of this place...